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Welcome to the Midlands Music Research Network!

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We are a group of PhD students funded through Midlands4Cities (see our ‘committee and members’ section) wishing to facilitate academic collaboration between music researchers across the Midlands. The genesis for our group came about through the recent M4C Research Festival 2020 as each of us recognised a pressing need for an active research network, connecting scholars working on different aspects of music. This was particularly pertinent given our personal experiences of feeling isolated within our field (and respective sub-fields of music education, musicology, history, and cultural studies. From our resultant conversations, we established three main aims for MMRN...

To create an environment that diversifies, rather than dilutes, the multi-faceted nature of Music research and performance.

To create new connections between researchers in the Midlands who might feel isolated or cut off, particularly in the current climate of the Covid-19 pandemic.

To host events and activities promoting current music research within the Midlands and beyond, engaging both the academic and wider communities.

MMRN is an inclusive network, encouraging engagement not just from M4C-funded researchers but those in a self-funded capacity, those within broader music academia, research-based practitioners and more.

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